A contented bookworm sits atop a stack of books, meditating.

So you love to read?

Me too. For me, reading is a meditation: it’s about noticing little things, focusing, being present, slowing down, and exploring my inner world. That bridge between reading and meditation is what inspired me to create Readitations. 

With Readitations, my goal is to bring literature and meditation together into an experience that’s personal, transformative, and healing. I hope each episode sparks a little compassion and curiosity as you listen. 

In every episode, join me to explore a book through literary analysis and then explore yourself through a guided meditation based on the book—a readitation, if you will. Whether you’re an on-the-run podcast listener who shares my bookish enthusiasm or you’re a meditation aficionado here for some deep breaths and introspection, I made Readitations for you.

About me

I’m Celeste Johnson, a longtime book lover. I discovered my love of reading when I was four and have since been known to read while walking sometimes.

I started meditating during a time when I really needed support. With guided meditations, I found that my focus improved, my self-talk became kinder, and I finally had a little calm in my brain. In fact, meditation gave me enough headspace to read fiction again, which I hadn’t been able to do for quite some time because my thoughts were too scattered. Meditation led me back to reading, and reading never fails to lead me back to curiosity and wonder. Curiosity led me to Readitations.

When I’m not reading, I love to play fiddle, swing dance, and marvel at various trees and bugs during long walks.